VMware Private Cloud Computing with vCloud Director


ISBN: 9781118180587
Author/Editor: Simon Gallagher

Publisher: John Wiley

Year: 2013

1 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: ABD-JW-96 Category:


It’s All About Delivering Service with vCloud Director Empowered by virtualization, companies are not just moving into the cloud, they’re moving into private clouds for greater security, flexibility, and cost savings. However, this move involves more than just infrastructure. It also represents a different business model and a new way to provide services. In this detailed book, VMware vExpert Simon Gallagher makes sense of private cloud computing for IT administrators. From basic cloud theory and strategies for adoption to practical implementation, he covers all the issues. You’ll learn how to build a private cloud and deliver it as a service using VMware vCloud Director 5.1. * Consider what it takes to transition to the cloud, including the business, technical, and operational issues * Get familiar with the essential tools the vCloud Director 5.1 suite * Understand the delivery model of infrastructure-as-a-service * Define a service catalog, including determining how to track and allocate costs and design for service levels * Measure the impact of a private cloud on your legacy applications and infrastructure * Implement efficient operations learn how to apply automation, set up backup and restore, and maintain HA * Deliver an end-to-end solution to an end user with a fully managed guest * Foreword by Joe Baguley, Chief Technologist, EMEA, VMware

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Table of Contents

Foreword xxiii Introduction xxv Part I: Private Cloud Foundations 1 Chapter 1: What Makes a Private Cloud? 3 Understanding the Great Abstraction Layer 3 Abstraction and Cloud Computing 5 Virtualization and Cloud Computing 6 Defi ning Cloud Computing 7 On-Demand Self-Service 7 Broad Network Access 8 Resource Pooling 8 Rapid Elasticity 8 Measured Service 9 Is Virtualization Cloud Computing? 9 Are Traditional Services Cloud Computing? 10 Understanding Services and Delivery Models 11 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) 12 Platform as a Service (PaaS) 13 Software as a Service (SaaS) 15 Public Cloud 15 Private Cloud 16 Hybrid Cloud 16 Community Cloud 17 Summary 17 Chapter 2: Developing Your Strategy 19 Developing Your Strategy 19 Buy or Build? 21 Deciding to Buy 21 Service Level Agreement 21 Service Credits 23 Disaster Recovery 23 Cost Structure 23 Deciding to Build 24 Greenfield or Reengineer? 24 Hardware Platform 24 Datacenter Facilities 24 Virtual or Physical Servers 24 Application Stack Considerations 25 Design for Failure 27 Scale-Out Elasticity 28 Framework (PaaS) 30 Gathering Requirements 31 Documenting Requirements 31 Define Use Cases 31 Who Are Your Users? 31 What Do They Do? 32 What Would They Like to Do? 32 Executive Sponsorship 32 Dealing with "the Directive" 32 "The Pitch": Into the Dragon's Den 33 Explaining the Current State of Your Organization 35 Proposing Your Solution 35 Presenting the Numbers 36 How Long, Who, and When? 37 Case Study 37 Cost Breakdown 37 Logical Diagrams 38 Overcoming Hurdles 38 Cloud? Our Auditors Will Go Nuts! 38 But Amazon Will Sell Me This for Like $1 a Day 39 Life Cycle 39 Inception 41 Feasibility 41 Development 41 Emerging Service 41 Established Service 42 Deprecated Service 42 Decommissioned Service 43 Building the Right Team 43 Product/Portfolio Manager 43 Change Manager 43 Capacity Manager 44 Commercial Manager 45 Operations Manager 45 Relationship Manager 45 Summary 45 Chapter 3: Introducing VMware vCloud Director 47 Heriarchical Management 47 Understanding How vCloud Director Works 49 Exploring the Interfaces 49 Exploring vCloud Director s Core Components 51 Cell Servers 51 Database 52 vCenter 52 vCloud Networking and Security Services 53 vCNS Manager 53 Chargeback Manager 54 Application Programming Interface 54 Virtual Datacenter Objects 54 Organization 54 Provider Virtual Data Center 56 Organization Virtual Data Center 56 Catalog 58 vApp 58 vCloud Networking 59 vCloud Network Isolation (VCNI) 59 Virtual Extensible Local Area Network (VXLAN) 59 Network Pools 62 vCloud Director Networks 63 Summary 68 Part II: Designing Your Cloud Service 71 Chapter 4: Defi ning the Service Catalog 73 From Stability to Dynamic Change 73 Understanding the Service Catalog 74 Existing Standard Builds 74 Sharing Service Catalogs 76 The vApp 77 Examples of vApp Use Cases 78 Self-Contained LAMP Stack 78 Production SQL Server 79 Test SQL Server 79 Isolated Server Sandbox 80 Clone of Production Application Stack 80 Operating System Templates 81 Media Files 81 What Is Your Current Environment? 82 Active Directory 82 Backup/Restore 84 IP Addressing 84 Management Agents and Firewalling 85 Legacy System Dependencies 85 Security Considerations 85 N-Tier Applications 86 End-to-End Automation 86 Summary 87 Chapter 5: Platform Design for vCloud Director 89 Identifying Design Goals 89 Provider Design Goals 91 Consumer Design Goals 92 Layered External Services 95 Identifying Design Constraints 95 Common Architecture Decisions 96 Conceptual Design 96 Management Pod 97 Resource Pod(s) 98 Design for Failure 100 Design for Manageability 101 Scaling Approaches 101 Availability/Performance 101 Designing the Management Pod 102 vCloud Databases 102 vCloud Cell Servers 103 Transfer Storage 107 SSL Certifi cates 107 vCNS Manager 109 Resource Pod Design 109 Compute 109 Networking 110 vCNS Gateway 112 Storage 112 Summary 114 Chapter 6: Building a Cost Model 117 Economics of Cloud 118 Building a Cost Matrix 119 Table of Costs 120 Price Breaks 122 Step Changes 123 Cost vsPrice 124 Cost of Operation 124 Standardizing Units of Consumption 125 Custom Confi gurations 126 Software Licensing for the Cloud 126 Service Provider Licensing 128 Microsoft SPLA 129 VMware Service Provider Program 130 Summary 130 Part III: Building the Cloud 133 Chapter 7: Installing VMware vCloud Director 135 Obtaining the Media 135 Preparing the Management Pod 136 DNS Configuration 138 vCenter Server 138 Deploying vShield Manager 138 vCloud Director Database 143 Preparing the Cell Servers 148 Configuring the Management Pod 151 Installing vCloud Director 151 Configuring the Transfer Location 152 Creating SSL Certificates 153 Generating a Self-Signed SSL Certificate 154 Using a SSL Certificate Signed by a Public or Internal Authority 157 Configuring the First Cell Server 158 Configuring the RHEL Firewall for vCloud 162 Securing the Configuration Files 164 Creating Sysprep Packages 165 vCloud Director Setup Wizard 168 Installing Additional Cell Servers 172 Summary 174 Chapter 8: Delivering Services 177 Laying the Foundation: Building the Resource Pod 177 Building an Example Resource Pod 178 Associating vCNS Manager with Your Resource Pod 182 Licensing vCloud Networking and Security 183 Configuring LDAP Authentication 185 Setting the SMTP Server 188 Attaching a vCenter Server to Your Resource Pod 188 Creating PvDCs 190 Creating an External Network 197 Creating a Network Pool 201 Creating an Organization 203 Creating an Organization Virtual Datacenter 210 Configuring the Resource Model 212 Allocating Storage 225 Allocating Networks 225 Connecting an Org vDC to the External Network 228 Creating a vCNS Edge Gateway 232 Creating an Initial Service Catalog 236 Creating a Public Catalog 236 Uploading Media to vCloud Director 240 Exporting a VM from vCenter for Use with vCloud Director in OVF Format 244 Handing Over Access to Your Consumers 246 Summary 246 Chapter 9: Consuming Services 249 Example Configuration for This Chapter 249 Creating Your First vApp as a Consumer 251 Creating an Organization Catalog 251 Creating a Simple vApp from a Shared Catalog 254 Customizing a vApp 267 Uploading Your vApp to a Catalog 268 Deploying a vApp from a Template 270 Deploying a vApp on a vApp Network 276 Deploying a vApp with IP Load Balancing 282 Summary 293 Chapter 10: Integrating Automation 295 Working with vCloud APIs 295 Introducing VMware vSphere PowerCLI 297 Microsoft PowerShell Overview 298 Getting Started with PowerCLI 298 PowerCLI and vCloud Director Cmdlets 301 PowerCLI and Combining vCloud Director and vSphere Cmdlets 305 PowerCLI Tools 306 Using VMware vCenter Orchestrator 306 Getting Started with vCenter Orchestrator 307 Plug-in Overview and Selection Considerations 307 Administration of vCenter Orchestrator 309 Locating, Installing, and Confi guring Plug-ins 310 Automating vCloud Director with vCenter Orchestrator 312 vCenter Orchestrator Policies 319 Working with RabbitMQ 319 Getting Started with RabbitMQ 320 Preparing RabbitMQ for Use with vCloud Director 320 Configuring vCloud Director Notifications 322 Integrating vCenter Orchestrator with RabbitMQ 323 Summary 326 Part IV: Operating the Cloud 327 Chapter 11: Managing Your Cloud 329 How Managing vCloud Differs from Managing vSphere 329 Management Pod 330 Resource Pod 330 Org vDCs 331 Understanding Change Management 331 Capacity Planning 333 Team Structure 333 Monitoring Performance and Availability 335 Using Malware Protection 336 Balancing Capacity and Demand 337 Adding More ESX Hosts to a PvDC 337 Removing ESX Hosts from a PvDC 340 Adding Datastores 341 Adding Additional vCenter Servers 343 Troubleshooting vCloud Director 343 Summary 348 Chapter 12: Business Continuity y 349 Backing Up Consumer Workloads 349 The New Challenge 350 Assessing Current Backup Options 351 Agent-Based Backups 352 Agent-Based Backups and Backup Networks 356 VADP-Derived Backups 360 Other Backups 362 Understanding Disaster Recovery Strategies 363 VMware vSphere Disaster Recovery 365 vCloud Director Challenges 368 vCloud Director Integration with vSphere 368 VMware Site Recovery Manager 368 Current Options 370 VMware Site Recovery Manager 370 Custom-Built Solutions 371 High-Availability Metro Clusters 373 Non-VMware Solutions 374 Summary 375 Index 377


Simon Gallagher








John Wiley


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