The Diffusion Handbook: Applied Solutions for Engineers


ISBN: 9780071751841
Author/Editor: Thambynayagam

Publisher: Mcgrawhill

Year: 2011

1 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: ABD-MGH-5346 Category:


Practical Solutions to Diffusion-Related ProblemsWinner of the 2011 R.R. Hawkins Award, the top prize of the Association of American Publishers’ PROSE Awards, the highest recognitions in the world of professional and scholarly publishing. The book is also the winner of the 2011 PROSE Award for Excellence in Physical Sciences & Mathematics and the Engineering & Technology category award.

“The book will become an invaluable component of every institutional and research center library…….it would be highly unlikely that such a book would ever be written or published again” – Frederick Dylla, American Institute of Physics.

The Diffusion Handbook provides more than 1,000 ready-made solutions to boundary-value problems associated with Dirichlet, Neumann, and Robin boundary conditions. The book also offers variations, including:

Subdivided systems where the properties of each continuum are uniform but discontinuous at the interface
Solutions involving boundary conditions of the mixed type, where the function is prescribed over part of the boundary and its normal derivative over the remaining part
Problems that involve space- and time-dependent boundary conditions

All semi-analytic solutions presented in this practical resource are accompanied by prescriptions for numerical computation. The diffusion coefficient and the initial and boundary conditions used in this book apply to fluid flow in a porous medium. All solutions can be equally applied to problems in heat conduction and mass transfer.

Coverage includes:

Integral transforms and their inversion formulae
Infinite and semi-infinite continua
Bounded continuum
Infinite and semi-infinite lamella
Quadrant layer and octant layer
Infinite and semi-infinite cylindrical continua
Bounded cylindrical continuum
Wedge-shaped infinite and semi-infinite continua
Wedge-shaped bounded continuum

Additional information

Weight 4 kg

Product Properties

Year of Publication


Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Diffusion mode of transference of heat, mass and pressure; Chapter 2. Integral transforms and their inversion formulae; Chapter 3. Infinite and semi-infinite continuums; Chapter 4. Bounded continuum; Chapter 5. Infinite and semi-infinite (Quadrant) continuums; Chatper 6. Infinite and semi-infinite lamella; Chapter 7. Rectangle; Chapter 8. Infinite and semi-infinite (Octant) continuums; Chapter 9. Quadrant Layer: Infinite and semi-infinite continuums; Chapter 10. Octant Layer: Infinite and semi-infinite continuums; Chapter 11. Cuboid; Chapter 12. Infinite and semi-infinite cylindrical continuums; Chapter 13. Bounded cylindrical continuums; Chapter 14. Infinite and semi-infinite cylindrical continuums; Chapter 15. Bounded cylindrical continuum; Chapter 16. Infinite and semi-infinite cylindrical continuums; Chapter 17. Bounded cylindrical continuum; Chapter 18. Infinite and semi-infinite cylindrical continuums. The continuum is also either infinite or semi-infinite in z; Chapter 19. Infinite and semi-infinite cylindrical continuums bounded by the planes z = 0 and z = d; Chapter 20. Bounded cylindrical continuum. The independent variable z is either infinite or semi-infinite; Chapter 21. Bounded cylindrical continuum. The continuum is also bounded by the planes z = 0 and z = d; Chapter 22. Infinite and semi-infinite cylindrical continuums; Chapter 23. Infinite and semi-infinite cylindrical continuums bounded by the planes z = 0 and z = d; Chapter 24. Bounded cylindrical continuum. The independent variable z is either infinite or semi-infinite; Chapter 25. Bounded cylindrical continuum. The continuum is also bounded by the lxviii planes z = 0 and z = d; Appendix A. Supplement to Chapter 8; Appendix B. Supplement to Chapter 9; Appendix C. Supplement to Chapter 10; Appendix D. Supplement to Chapter 11; Appendix E. Table of Integrals; Appendix F. General properties and a table of Laplace transforms












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