Policy Failures & the Irish Econoomic Crisis


ISBN: 9783319901817
Author/Editor: Ciaran Michael Casey

Publisher: Springer

Year: 2018

1 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: ABD-SPR-4335 Category:

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Weight 0.493 kg

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Year of Publication


Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: An Irish Depression1. What Happened to Ireland?i) The Credit Boomii) The Property and Construction Boomiii) Fiscal Policyiv) Competitiveness2. International Context and EMU3. The Banking and Wright Reports4. Theoretical and Ideological Explanations5. The History of Asset Bubbles and Financial Crises6. Behavioural Explanations7. Political and Institutional Explanationsi) Banking and Bank Regulationii) Politics and Fiscal Policy8. PredictionConclusion Chapter 3: International OrganisationsIntroduction1. Competitiveness2. Property and Construction3. The Financial Sector4. Fiscal PolicyConclusion Chapter 4: Domestic OrganisationsIntroduction1. Property and Construction2. Fiscal Policy 3. Competitiveness4. The Financial SectorConclusion Chapter 5: AcademiaIntroduction1. Institutional Context2. Origins and Interpretations of the Celtic Tiger3. Competitiveness and Fiscal Policy4. Property and Construction5. Finance6. PredictionsConclusion Chapter 6: The NewspapersIntroduction1. The Propaganda Model and the Mercille Application2. Experts3. Property and Constructioni) The Irish Timesii) The Irish Independentiii) David McWilliamsiv) 'The Ireland that We Dreamed Of'v) The Economistvi) Nominal Price Falls, Advice to Individuals,and Internal Expertise4. The Financial Sector5. Competitiveness and Inflation6. Fiscal PolicyConclusion Chapter 7: Politics1. Irish Politics in the 21st Century2. Fianna Fail and the PDs3. Inflation and Fiscal Policy4. Property and Construction5. Intergenerational Aspects and the Kenny Report6. The Financial SectorConclusion Chapter 8: Conclusion


Ciaran Michael Casey










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