Mechanical Behavior of Concrete


ISBN: 9781848211780
Author/Editor: Torrenti

Publisher: John Wiley

Year: 2010

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SKU: ABD-JW-5314 Category:


This title provides a comprehensive overview of all aspects of the mechanical behavior of concrete, including such features as its elastoplasticity, its compressive and tensile strength, its behavior over time (including creep and shrinkage, cracking and fatigue) as well as modeling techniques and its response to various stimuli. As such, it will be required reading for anyone wishing to increase their knowledge in this area.

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Weight 0.75 kg

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Table of Contents

Foreword xi PART 1. INSTANTANEOUS OR TIME-INDEPENDENT MODELS FOR CONCRETE1 Chapter 1. Test Techniques and Experimental Characterization3 Nicolas BURLION 1.1. Introduction 3 1.2. Experimental specificities related to concrete material4 1.3. Extensometers and experimental conditions 12 1.4. Behavior of concrete under uniaxial stress: classical tests21 1.5. Concrete under multiaxial stresses 32 1.6. Conclusions regarding the experimental characterization ofthe multiaxial behavior of concrete 54 1.7. Bibliography 55 Chapter 2. Modeling the Macroscopic Behavior of Concrete63 Jean-Marie REYNOUARD, Jean-Francois GEORGIN, Khalil HAIDAR andGilles PIJAUDIER-CABOT 2.1. Introduction 63 2.2. The discrete approach 65 2.3. Continuous approach 71 2.4. Conclusion 106 2.5. Bibliography 115 Chapter 3. Failure and Size Effect of Structural Concrete121 Gilles PIJAUDIER-CABOT and Khalil HAIDAR 3.1. Introduction 121 3.2. Probabilistic structural size effect 124 3.3. Deterministic size effect 130 3.4. Fractality and size effect 134 3.5. Size effect and calibration of non-local models 138 3.6. Conclusions 143 3.7. Acknowledgement 145 3.8. Bibliography 145 PART 2. CONCRETE UNDER CYCLIC AND DYNAMIC LOADING 149 Chapter 4. Cyclic Behavior of Concrete and ReinforcedConcrete 151 Jean-Francois DUBE 4.1. Characterization tests of the cyclic behavior 151 4.2. Modeling the reinforced concrete cyclic behavior 163 4.3. Modeling of the cyclic behavior of concrete 170 4.4. Conclusions 180 4.5. Bibliography 181 Chapter 5. Cyclic and Dynamic Loading Fatigue of StructuralConcrete 185 Jean-Francois DESTREBECQ 5.1. Introduction 185 5.2. The mechanisms of concrete fatigue 186 5.3. The fatigue strength under uniaxial compression or traction193 5.4. Extension to Aas-Jakobsen s formula 197 5.5. Fatigue under multiaxial loading 202 5.6. Fatigue under high-level cyclic loading 207 5.7. Fatigue strength under variable level cyclic loadings214 5.8. Bibliography 219 Chapter 6. Rate-Dependent Behavior and Modeling for TransientAnalyses 225 Fabrice GATUINGT 6.1. Introduction 225 6.2. Experimental behavior 225 6.3. Behavior modeling of concrete in dynamics 240 6.4. Bibliography 261 PART 3. TIME-DEPENDENT RESPONSE OF CONCRETE 265 Chapter 7. Concrete at an Early Age: the Major Parameters267 Vincent WALLER and Buqan MIAO 7.1. Introduction 267 7.2. Influence of the composition of concrete 267 7.3. Consequences of boundary conditions 282 7.4. Conclusion 290 7.5. Bibliography 290 Chapter 8. Modeling Concrete at Early Age 297 Franz-Josef ULM, Jean-Michel TORRENTI, Benoit BISSONETTE andJacques MARCHAND 8.1. Introduction 297 8.2. The coupled thermo-chemo-mechanical problem 297 8.3. Data collection and experimental methods 309 8.4. Conclusion 331 8.5. Bibliography 331 Chapter 9. Delayed Effects Creep and Shrinkage339 Farid BENBOUDJEMA, Fekri MEFTAH, Gregory HEINFLING,Fabrice LEMAOU and Jean Michel TORRENTI 9.1. Introduction 339 9.2. Definitions and mechanisms 340 9.3. Experimental approach 354 9.4. Delayed response modeling 361 9.5. Codified models 383 9.6. Conclusion 400 9.7. Bibliography 400 Closing Remarks: New Concretes, New Techniques, and FutureModels 409 Jean Michel TORRENTI, Gilles PIJAUDIER-CABOT and Jean-MarieREYNOUARD List of Authors 415 Index 417










John Wiley


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