Measurement & Data Analysis for Engineering & Science


ISBN: 9781466594968
Author/Editor: Patrick F Dunn

Publisher: CRC Press

Year: 2014

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SKU: ABD-CRC-2533 Category:


The third edition of Measurement and Data Analysis for Engineering and Science provides an up-to-date approach to presenting the methods of experimentation in science and engineering. Widely adopted by colleges and universities within the U.S. and abroad, this edition has been developed as a modular work to make it more adaptable to different approaches from various schools.

This text details current methods and highlights the six fundamental tools required for implementation: planning an experiment, identifying measurement system components, assessing measurement system component performance, setting signal sampling conditions, analyzing experimental results, and reporting experimental results.

What? New in the Third Edition:

This latest edition includes a new chapter order that presents a logical sequence of topics in experimentation, from the planning of an experiment to the reporting of the experimental results. It adds a new chapter on sensors and transducers that describes approximately 50 different sensors commonly used in engineering, presents uncertainty analysis in two separate chapters, and provides a problem topic summary in each chapter.

New topics include smart measurement systems, focusing on the Arduino?microcontroller and its use in the wireless transmission of data, and MATLAB?and Simulink?programming for microcontrollers. Further topic additions are on the rejection of data outliers, light radiation, calibrations of sensors, comparison of first-order sensor responses, the voltage divider, determining an appropriate sample period, and planning a successful experiment.

Measurement and Data Analysis for Engineering and Science also contains more than 100 solved example problems, over 400 homework problems, and provides over 75 MATLAB?Sidebars with accompanying MATLAB M-files, Arduino codes, and data files available for download.

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Weight 0.998 kg

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Year of Publication


Table of Contents

Fundamentals of Experimentation Introduction Experiments Chapter Overview Experimental Approach Role of Experiments The Experiment Classification of Experiments Plan for Successful Experimentation Hypothesis Testing* Design of Experiments* Factorial Design* Problems Bibliography Fundamental Electronics Chapter Overview Concepts and Definitions Circuit Elements RLC Combinations Elementary DC Circuit Analysis Elementary AC Circuit Analysis Equivalent Circuits* Meters* Impedance Matching and Loading Error* Electrical Noise* Problems Bibliography Measurement Systems: Sensors and Transducers Chapter Overview Measurement System Overview Sensor Domains Sensor Characteristics Physical Principles of Sensors Electric Piezoelectric Fluid Mechanic Optic Photoelastic Thermoelectric Electrochemical Sensor Scaling* Problems Bibliography Measurement Systems: Other Components Chapter Overview Signal Conditioning, Processing, and Recording Amplifiers Filters Analog-to-Digital Converters Smart Measurement Systems Other Example Measurement Systems Problems Bibliography Measurement Systems: Calibration and Response Chapter Overview Static Response Characterization by Calibration Dynamic Response Characterization Zero-Order System Dynamic Response First-Order System Dynamic Response Second-Order System Dynamic Response Measurement System Dynamic Response Problems Bibliography Measurement Systems: Design-Stage Uncertainty Chapter Overview Design-Stage Uncertainty Analysis Design-Stage Uncertainty Estimate of a Measurand Design-Stage Uncertainty Estimate of a Result Problems Bibliography Signal Characteristics Chapter Overview Signal Classification Signal Variables Signal Statistical Parameters Problems Bibliography The Fourier Transform Chapter Overview Fourier Series of a Periodic Signal Complex Numbers and Waves Exponential Fourier Series Spectral Representations Continuous Fourier Transform Continuous Fourier Transform Properties* Discrete Fourier Transform Fast Fourier Transform Problems Bibliography Digital Signal Analysis Chapter Overview Digital Sampling Digital Sampling Errors Windowing* Determining a Sample Period Problems Bibliography Probability Chapter Overview Relation to Measurements Basic Probability Concepts Sample versus Population Plotting Statistical Information Probability Density Function Various Probability Density Functions Central Moments Probability Distribution Function Problems Bibliography Statistics Chapter Overview Normal Distribution Normalized Variables Student's t Distribution Rejection of Data Standard Deviation of the Means Chi-Square Distribution Pooling Samples* Problems Bibliography Uncertainty Analysis Chapter Overview Modeling and Experimental Uncertainties Probabilistic Basis of Uncertainty Identifying Sources of Error Systematic and Random Errors Quantifying Systematic and Random Errors Measurement Uncertainty Analysis Uncertainty Analysis of a Multiple-Measurement Result Uncertainty Analyses for Other Measurement Situations Uncertainty Analysis Summary Finite-Difference Uncertainties* Uncertainty Based upon Interval Statistics* Problems Bibliography Regression and Correlation Chapter Overview Least-Squares Approach Least-Squares Regression Analysis Linear Analysis Higher-Order Analysis* Multi-Variable Linear Analysis* Determining the Appropriate Fit Regression Confidence Intervals Regression Parameters Linear Correlation Analysis Signal Correlations in Time* Problems Bibliography Units and Significant Figures Chapter Overview English and Metric Systems Systems of Units SI Standards Technical English and SI Conversion Factors Prefixes Significant Figures Problems Bibliography Technical Communication Chapter Overview Guidelines for Writing Technical Memo Technical Report Oral Technical Presentation Problems Bibliography A Glossary B Symbols C Review Problem Answers Index


Patrick F Dunn








CRC Press


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