Ionosphere and Applied Aspects of Radio Communication and Radar


ISBN: 9781420055146
Author/Editor: Nathan Blaunstein

Publisher: CRC Press

Year: 2008

2 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: ABD-T&F-1020 Category:


A Complete Reference for the 21st Century
Until recently, much of the communications technology in the former Eastern bloc countries was largely unknown. Due to the historically competitive nature of East/West relations, scientific groups operated independently, without the benefit of open communication on theoretical frameworks and experimental technologies. As these countries have begun to bridge the gap and work in a more cooperative environment, the need has grown for a comprehensive guide which assimilates all the information in this vast knowledge bank.

Ionosphere and Applied Aspects of Radio Communication and Radar meets the demand for an updated reference on this continually evolving global technology. This book examines the changes that have occurred in the past two or three decades. It thoroughly reviews ionospheric radio propagation, over-horizon and above-horizon radars, and miniature ionospheric stations used for investigating nonregular phenomena occurring in the ionosphere. In addition, it also comprehensively discusses land-satellite and satellite-satellite communications.

This volume also reviews an area that has been all but ignored in previous works: the effects of plasma irregularities on radio waves propagation through the inhomogeneous ionosphere. Here, a heavy focus is placed on the effects of these irregular phenomena. And due to the recent wireless revolution, more attention than ever has been aimed on improving the efficiency of land-satellite and satellite-satellite communication networks, which are fully addressed.

Included are?

Transport processes and photochemistry reactions occurring in the regular homogeneous ionosphere
Nonlinear phenomena occurring in the irregular ionosphere
Instabilities in the inhomogeneous disturbed ionosphere
Various ambient natural and artificial sources and corresponding plasma irregularities
Written by two leading scientists, this book will be an invaluable guide to anyone working in this ever-changing field.

Product Properties

Year of Publication


Table of Contents

The Regular Ionosphere: Main Characteristics and Processes Ionosphere Content Major Characteristics of the Ionospheric Plasma Transport Processes of Plasma in the Ionosphere Ionization?ecombination Balance in the Ionosphere Nonlinear Phenomena and Plasma Instabilities in the Disturbed Irregular Ionosphere Physical Aspects of Nonlinear Phenomena in the Artificially Heated Ionospheric Plasma Interaction of Probing Radio Waves with Heating-Induced Plasma Instabilities Generated by Strong Radio Waves Plasma Instabilities of Natural Origin Generated in the Irregular Ionosphere Natural Thermal-Induced Instabilities: Recombination; Kinetic; Kinetic Drift-Dissipative Current-Induced Natural Plasma Instabilities: The Current-Convective; Gradient-Drift; Two-Stream; Convergence; Dissipative; Drift-Dissipative; Rayleigh?aylor; Hydrodynamic Theoretical Aspects of Generation of Nonlinear Plasma Instabilities Nonlinear Wave?ave Interactions in the Ionospheric Plasma Particle?ave Interactions in the Ionospheric Plasma: Nonlinear Saturation of Electrostatic Instabilities in the Ionosphere; Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Effects of Instabilities Generation Radio Signal Presentation in the Ionospheric Communication Channel Bandpath and Baseband Signal Presentation Narrowband Signal Presentation Wideband Signal Presentation Fading Phenomena in Ionospheric communication Channels Path Loss: A Mathematical Description Slow Fading of Radio Signal: A Mathematical Description Fast Fading: A Mathematical Description Definition of Fading Phenomena in Static and Dynamic Ionospheric Channel Evolution of Plasma Irregularities in the Ionosphere Diffusion of Plasma Irregularities in the Ionosphere Classical Description of the Diffusion Process in Plasma Diffusion of Small Plasma Disturbance in Weakly Ionized Plasma Diffusion of Plasma Disturbances with an Arbitrary Degree of Ionization Diffusion Spreading of Plasma Irregularities in the Middle-Latitude Ionosphere Drift of Plasma Irregularities in the Ionosphere A Classical Description of Drift in Unbounded Homogeneous Plasma Dynamics and Spreading of Arbitrary Irregularity in the Ionosphere Thermodiffusion of Plasma Irregularities in the Ionosphere General Problem Statement: Functions and Parameters One-Dimensional Heating of the E and F Layers of the Ionosphere Evolution of 3-D Heating-Induced Irregularity in the Ionosphere Modern Radiophysical Methods of Investigation of Ionospheric Irregularities Radio and Optical Methods of Studying Artificially Induced Irregularities in the Ionosphere Radio Methods for Diagnostics of Heating-Induced Irregularities Methods of Investigations of Dynamics of Plasma Clouds in the Ionosphere by Rocket Injection Natural Ionospheric Irregularities and Methods of Their Parameters?Diagnostics Radio Methods of Diagnostics of Meteor-Induced and HE Irregularities in the Middle-Latitude Ionosphere Radio Sounding of Sporadic Inhomogeneities and Bubbles in the Equatorial Ionosphere Observations of Irregularities in the High-Latitude Ionosphere Performance of Radio Communication in Ionospheric Channels Absorption of Radio Waves in the Regular Ionosphere Radio Scattering Caused by Plasma Irregularities of Various Origins in the Ionosphere Experimental Investigations of Backscattering and Forward Scattering in Region E of the Ionosphere Theory of Backscattering of Radio Waves from Anisotropic Plasma Irregularities Forward Scattering of Radio Waves from Anisotropic Irregularities Power of HE-Scatter Radio Signals Forward and Backscattering from Irregularities of the F Region of the Ionosphere Long-Distance Radio Propagation through the Ionospheric Channels Wave Propagation in the Ionosphere Disturbed by Powerful Radio Waves Capturing of Radio Waves into the Ionospheric Layered Waveguides Partial Scattering of Radio Waves in the D Region of the Ionosphere Methods of Design of Ionospheric Radio Propagation Channels Optical and Radio Systems for Investigation of the Ionosphere and Ionospheric Communication Channels Devices and Systems for Diagnostics of Ionospheric Phenomena Optical Devices Incoherent Scatter Radars SuperDARN The Global Positioning System in Investigations of the Ionosphere Diagnostics of the Nonregular Ionosphere by LFM-Ionosondes Developments of LFM Ionosondes in the Historical Perspective Operating Principles of LFM Ionosondes Monitoring of Ionospheric Communication Channels Performance of Land?atellite Communication Links Passing through the Irregular Ionosphere Refraction of Radio Waves in Quasi-Regular Ionospheric Plasma Propagation Effects of Large- and Moderate-Scale Ionospheric Irregularities Effects of Large-Scale Irregularities on Radio Propagation Effects of Moderate-Scale Irregularities on Radio Propagation Fading Effects Caused by Small-Scale Ionospheric Irregularities Effects of Magnetic Storm on Land?atellite Communication Parameters of Data Signals in the Land?atellite Communication Links with Fading Main Parameters of the Information Data Stream Data Stream Parameters for Channels with Fading Caused by Magnetic Storm ...


Nathan Blaunstein








CRC Press


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