Handbook of Micromechanics and Nanomechanics

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ISBN: 9789814411233
Author/Editor: Shaofan Li

Publisher: PSP Pub.

Year: 2013

1 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: ABD-PSP-1280 Category:


This book presents the latest developments and applications of micromechanics and nanomechanics. It particularly focuses on some recent applications and impact areas of micromechanics and nanomechanics that have not been discussed in traditional micromechanics and nanomechanics books on metamaterials, micromechanics of ferroelectric/piezoelectric, electromagnetic materials, micromechanics of interface, size effects and strain gradient theories, computational and experimental nanomechanics, multiscale simulations and theories, soft matter composites, and computational homogenization theory. This book covers analytical, experimental, as well as computational and numerical approaches in depth.

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Weight 1.746 kg

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Year of Publication


Table of Contents

Preface S. Li and X.-L. Gao Microdynamics of Phononic Materials M. I. Hussein, M. J. Frazier, and M. H. Abedinnasab Micromechanics of Elastic Metamaterials X. Zhou, X. Liu, and G. Hu Phase Field Approach Micromechanics in Ferroelectric Crystals Y. Su and G. J. Weng Atomic Structure of 180 Degrees Ferroelectric Domain Walls in PbTiO3 A. Yavari and A. Angoshtari Micromechanics-based Constitutive Modeling of Chain-Structured Ferromagnetic Particulate Composites H. Yin, L. Z. Sun, and H. Zhang Nonlinear Dynamic Electromechanics in Functionally Graded Piezoelectric Materials Y. Shindo and F. Narita Mechano-electrochemical Mixture Theories for the Multiphase Fluid-Infiltrated Poroelastic Media H. Hatami-Marbini Micromechanics of Nanocomposites with Interface Energy Effects Z. Huang and J. Wang A Surface/Interface Micro-elasticity Formulation Based on Finite-Size Representative Volume Element P.-A. Itty, V. L. Corvec, and S. Li Continuum-Based Modeling of Size Effects in Micro- and Nanostructured Materials R. K. Abu Al-Rub Strain Gradient Solutions of Eshelby-Type Inclusion Problems X.-L. Gao Problems in the Theories of Couple-Stress Elasticity and Dipolar Gradient Elasticity: A Comparison P. A. Gourgiotis and H. G. Georgiadis Solutions to the Periodic Eshelby Inclusion Problem L. Liu Variational Principles, Bounds, and Percolation Thresholds of Composites X. F. Xu Inclusion Clusters in the Archetype-Blending Continuum Theory K. I. Elkhodary, S. Tang, and W. K. Liu Microstructural Characterization of Metals Using Nanoindentation G. Z. Voyiadjis and D. Faghihi A Multiscale Modeling of Multiple Physics X. Wang, J. Li, J. D. Lee, and A. Eskandarian Coarse-Grained Atomistic Simulations of Dislocation and Fracture in Metallic Materials L. Xiong., Q. Deng, and Y. Chen Timescaling in Multiscale Mechanics of Nanowires and Nanocrystalline Materials V. Tomar Modeling and Simulation of Carbon Nanotube-Based Composites and Devices S. Xiao, J. Ni, W. Yang, and C. Nelsen Concurrent Approach to Lattice Dynamics Based on Extended Space-Time Finite Element Method D. Qian and S. Chirputkar Mechanics of Nanoporous Metals A. Giri, J. Tao, M. Kirca, and A. C. To Numerical Characterization of Nanowires Y. T. Gu and H. F. Zhan Molecular Modeling of the Microstructure of Soft Materials: Healing, Memory, and Toughness Mechanisms S. Keten, S. Mishra, and L. Ruiz Intricate Multiscale Mechanical Behavior of Natural Fish-Scale Composites D. Zhu, F. Barthelat, and F. Vernerey Mechanics of Random Fiber Networks R. C. Picu Size-Dependent Probabilistic Damage Micromechanics and Toughening Behavior of Particle-/Fiber-Reinforced Composites J. Woody and K. Yanase Multiscale Asymptotic Expansion Formulations for Heterogeneous Slab and Column Structures with Three-Dimensional Microstructures D. Wang, L. Fang, and P. Xie Computational Overlap Coupling Between Micropolar Elastic Continuum Finite Elements and Elastic Spherical Discrete Elements in One Dimension R. A. Regueiro and B. Yan Nonconcurrent Computational Homogenization of Nonlinear, Stochastic, and Viscoelastic Materials J. Yvonnet, Q.-C. He, E. Monteiro, A. B. Tran, C. Toulemonde, J. Sanahuja, A. Clement, and C. Soize


Shaofan Li








PSP Pub.


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