Future Files: A Brief History of the Next 50 Years


ISBN: 9781857885347
Author/Editor: Richard Watson

Publisher: Nicholas Brealey Pub

Year: 2010

1 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: ABD-NB-515 Category:


Wlliam Gladwell meets Alvin Toffler in this lively, provocative and witty look at our possible futures. Filled with provocative forecasts about how the world might change in the next half century, Future Files examines emerging patterns and developments in society, technology, economy, and business, and makes educated speculations as to where they might take us.

It is indispensable to business analysts, strategists and organisations who need to stay ahead of the game as well as providing rich and fascinating material for dinner party conversations. Will machines become more intelligent than humans, and even be able to ‘read’ our minds? Will food in our fridge speak to each other using radio waves, then come up with options for tonight’s menu? Is there a looming environmental crisis where Planet Earth is doomed? Would you like a pill that improves your memory? …Or a moistened tissue that could erase a bad day? Would you feel safer if your front door could tell you whether the person knocking is not a stranger?

These are just some of the provocative forecasts about how the world might change in the next half century which Richard Watson explores in “Future Files”.

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Weight 0.4 kg

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Table of Contents



Richard Watson








Nicholas Brealey Pub


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