Electronic & Optical Properties of Conjugated Poymers


ISBN: 9780199677467
Author/Editor: William Barford

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Year: 2013

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SKU: ABD-OUP-1529 Category:


Conjugated polymers have important technological applications, including solar cells and light emitting devices. They are also active components in many important biological processes. In recent years there have been significant advances in our understanding of these systems, owing to both improved experimental measurements and the development of advanced computational techniques.

The aim of this book is to describe and explain the electronic and optical properties of conjugated polymers. It focuses on the three key roles of electron-electron interactions, electron-nuclear coupling, and disorder in determining the character of the electronic states, and it relates these properties to experimental observations in real systems.

A number of important optical and electronic processes in conjugated polymers are also described. The second edition has a more extended discussion of excitons in conjugated polymers. There is also a new chapter on the static and dynamical localization of excitons.

Additional information

Weight 0.665 kg

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Year of Publication


Table of Contents

1. Introduction to conjugated polymers ; 2. PI-electron theories of conjugated polymers ; 3. Noninteracting electrons ; 4. Electron-nuclear coupling I: Noninteracting electrons ; 5. Interacting electrons ; 6. Excitons in conjugated polymers ; 7. Electron-nuclear coupling II: Interacting electrons ; 8. Linear polyenes and trans-polyacetylene ; 9. Light emitting polymers ; 10. Exciton localization in disordered polymers ; 11. Optical processes in conjugated polymers ; 12. Excitonic processes in conjugated polymers ; 13. Epilogue ; Appendix A: Dirac bra-ket operator representation of one-particle Hamiltonians ; Appendix B: Electron-hole symmetry and average occupation number ; Appendix C: Single-particle eigensolutions of a periodic polymer chain ; Appendix D: The Holstein model ; Appendix E: Derivation of the effective-particle Schrodinger equation ; Appendix F: Hydrogenic solutions of the effective-particle exciton models ; Appendix G: Valence-bond description of benzene ; Appendix H: Derivation of the Frenkel exciton Hamiltonian ; Appendix I: Evaluation of the electronic transition dipole moments ; Appendix J: Spin-orbit coupling in PI-conjugated polymers ; Appendix K: Derivation of the line dipole approximation ; Appendix L: Direct configuration interaction-singles calculations ; Appendix M: Density matrix renormalization group method


William Barford








Oxford University Press


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