Cosmical Magnetic Fields: Their Origin and their Activity


ISBN: 9780198829966
Author/Editor: E. N. Parker

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Year: 2020

1 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: ABD-OUP-5118 Category:


This well known and widely used landmark text explores the universal spontaneous generation of magnetic fields in astronomical bodies and the agitation of the bodies by those fields. The general properties of magnetic fields, their appearance throughout the astronomical universe, and the havoc they wreak are described in simple physical terms so as to define the broad scientific problem presented by magnetic fields. Then, with the physical problems clearly in mind, the theoretical effects are demonstrated with formal mathematical illustrations from the basic electromagnetic equations.

Additional information

Weight 1.27 kg

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Year of Publication


Table of Contents

1: The Role of Magnetic Fields 2: The Nature of Magnetic Fields 3: Electric and Magnetic Fields 4: The Basic Equations 5: Magnetic Field Stress and Energy 6: Magnetic Equilibrium 7: Propagation of Disturbances 8: The Isolated Flux Tube 9: The Twisted Flux Tube 10: The Isolation and Concentration of Magnetic Flux Tubes 11: The Topology of Magnetic Lines of Force 12: Non-Equilibrium of Invariant Fields 13: The Breakup and Escape of Submerged Magnetic Fields 14: Non-Equilibrium in Field Topologies Lacking Invariance 15: Rapid Reconnection of Magnetic Lines of Force 16: Exclusion of Magnetic Fields from Closed Circulation Patterns 17: Magnetic Fields in Turbulent Fluids 18: The Generation of Large-Scale Fields in Turbulent Fluids 19: The Physical Nature of the Generated Fields 20: The Magnetic Fields of Planets 21: The Magnetic Field of the Sun and Stars 22: The Magnetic Field of the Galaxy 23: Magnetic Fields and Magnetic Activity


E. N. Parker








Oxford University Press


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