Carbon Monoxide

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ISBN: 9780849347962
Author/Editor: David G. Penney

Publisher: CRC Press

Year: 1996

1 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: ABD-T&F-1072 Category:


Historically viewed as a vehicle for entertainment or the occult, hypnosis has slowly gained recognition as an effective tool in the medical arts, sports programs, and stress seminars. Gradually law enforcement specialists also have used hypnosis – specifically forensic hypnosis – as a powerful tool when collecting information from the witness. Hypnosis serves police and prosecutors by enabling the witness to recall minute details that they had previously forgotten due to momentary excitement or fear.
Investigative Forensic Hypnosis presents the practical application and scientific side of this subject, explaining forensic hypnosis in an understandable way, answering many common questions, and identifying its practical use in the courtroom.
The author, with 22 years of experience in law enforcement and 14 years experience in forensic hypnosis, brings his outstanding law enforcement background and valued expertise to this important, informative handbook, dissolving misconceptions or doubts and illuminating forensic hypnosis as a valuable advantage in any case.
Two parts divide the discussion:
The Essence of Hypnosis – covers the origins of hypnosis to its current uses o explains hypnosis from a scientific approach o clarifies misleading information o provides a logical approach to this unusual phenomenon o illustrates its potential in law enforcement
Investigative Forensic Hypnosis – arms its reader with a clear understanding of hypnosis o discusses applications to the criminal justice system o outlines essential guidelines for correctly using forensic hypnosis o identifies specific procedures for determining the facts of a case
The information presented assists:
the hypnotist performing this investigative technique
the investigator considering hypnosis
lawyers and judges determining the appropriate application of hypnosis in a case
This book provides the framework for hypnosis as a successful and dependable tool to assist in investigations – not to solve crimes by magic but to provide useful, indispensable clues and details. This technique improves information gained from that most important asset in a case – the witness. Understanding the proper guidelines provided in Investigative Forensic Hypnosis can make a good witness a great witness.

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Table of Contents

Carbon Monoxide Analysis, R.L. Wabeke Carbon Monoxide Formation Due to Metabolism of Xenobiotics, D. Pankow Modeling the Uptake and Elimination of Carbon Monoxide, P. Tikuisis Cerebrovascular Effects of Carbon Monoxide, M.A. Helfaer and R.J. Traystman Pulmonary Changes Induced by the Administration of CO and Other Compounds in Smoke, D.L. Traber and D.W. Bradford Effects of Carbon Monoxide Exposure on Developing Animals and Humans, D.G. Penney Carbon Monoxide - From Tool to Neurotransmitter, N.R. Prabhakar and R.S. Fitzgerald Toxicity of Carbon Monoxide: Hemoglobin vs. Histotoxic Mechanisms, C.A. Piantadosi Carbon Monoxide-Induced Impairment of Learning, Memory, and Neuronal Dysfunction, M. Hiramatsu, T. Kameyama, and T. Nabeshima Behavioral Effects of Carbon Monoxide Exposure: Results and Mechanisms, V.A. Benignus Delayed Sequelae in Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and the Possible Mechanisms, E.P. Kindwall Treatment of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, S.R. White Options for Treatment of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, Including Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, S.R. Thom


David G. Penney








CRC Press


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