Borders, Bodies & Narratives of Crisis in Europe


ISBN: 9783319755854
Author/Editor: Thanasis Lagios

Publisher: Springer

Year: 2018

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SKU: ABD-SPR-4347 Category:


This book addresses two interrelated discourses of crisis in contemporary Europe: the migrant crisis vs. the economic crisis. The chapters shed light on the thread that links these two issues by first examining immigration and the transformations regarding its control and administration via border technologies, as well as on the centrality of the body as a means and carrier of border within contemporary biopolitical societies. In a second step, the authors proceed to a genealogy of the current discourses regarding the financial and political crisis through a Foucauldian and Lacanian perspective, focusing on the co-articulation of scientific knowledge and biopolitical power in Western societies.

Additional information

Weight 0.343 kg

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Year of Publication


Table of Contents

Part I: Within the Walls: Transformations of Migration Control and Management 1. Introduction: Within the Walls 2. "Migrants" vis-a-vis "Refugees": Towards a "Rationalisation" of Migration Control and Management 3. Opening and Closing Borders: Capitalism Is Speeding Up 4. Borders' Diffusion as a Response to the "Humanist Crisis": Towards a Military-Humanitarian Nexus 5. Borders and Bodies in Twenty-First-Century Biopolitical Societies: The Migrant's Body as Carrier of the Border 6. Conclusion: Facing a Circulus Vitiosus? Part II: Humanist or Capitalist Crisis? Notes and Remarks concerning a False Dilemma 7. Exergum 8. Discourses on Crisis and Critical Discourse 9. The Man Without Qualities in a Universe Full of Quantities 10. Genealogy and the Question of the Present: A Conclusion? 8. Conclusion


Thanasis Lagios










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