Biological Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (2Vol Set)


ISBN: 9781118654064
Author/Editor: Roland A Fleck

Publisher: John Wiley

Year: 2019

1 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: ABD-JW-4562 Category:


The go-to resource for microscopists on biological applications of field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEGSEM)

The evolution of scanning electron microscopy technologies and capability over the past few years has revolutionized the biological imaging capabilities of the microscope–giving it the capability to examine surface structures of cellular membranes to reveal the organization of individual proteins across a membrane bilayer and the arrangement of cell cytoskeleton at a nm scale. Most notable are their improvements for field emission scanning electron microscopy (FEGSEM), which when combined with cryo-preparation techniques, has provided insight into a wide range of biological questions including the functionality of bacteria and viruses. This full-colour, must-have book for microscopists traces the development of the biological field emission scanning electron mic…

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Table of Contents

About the Editors xix List of Contributors xxi Foreword xxv 1 Scanning Electron Microscopy: Theory, History and Development of the Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope 1 David C. Joy 2 Akashi Seisakusho Ltd - SEM Development 1972-1986 7 Michael F. Hayles 3 Development of FE-SEM Technologies for Life Science Fields 25 Mitsugu Sato, Mami Konomi, Ryuichiro Tamochi and Takeshi Ishikawa 4 A History of JEOL Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopes with Reference to Biological Applications 53 Kazumichi Ogura and Andrew Yarwood 5 TESCAN Approaches to Biological Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy 79 Jaroslav Jiruse, Vratislav Kos?tal and Bohumila Lencova 6 FEG-SEM for Large Volume 3D Structural Analysis in Life Sciences 103 Ben Lich, Faysal Boughorbel, Pavel Potocek and Emine Korkmaz 7 ZEISS Scanning Electron Microscopes for Biological Applications 117 Isabel Angert, Christian Boeker, Martin Edelman, Stephan Hiller, Arno Merkle and Dirk Zeitler 8 SEM Cryo-Stages and Preparation Chambers 143 Robert Morrison 9 Cryo-SEM Specimen Preparation Workflows from the Leica Microsystems Design Perspective 167 Guenter P. Resch 10 Chemical Fixation 191 Bruno M. Humbel, Heinz Schwarz, Erin M. Tranfield and Roland A. Fleck 11 A Brief Review of Cryobiology with Reference to Cryo Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy 223 Roland A. Fleck, Eyal Shimoni and Bruno M. Humbel 12 High-Resolution Cryo-Scanning Electron Microscopy of Macromolecular Complexes 265 Sebastian Tacke, Falk Lucas, Jeremy D. Woodward, Heinz Gross and Roger Wepf 13 FESEM in the Examination of Mammalian Cells and Tissues 299 Andrew Forge, Anwen Bullen and Ruth Taylor 14 Public Health/Pharmaceutical Research - Pathology and Infectious Disease 311 Paul A. Gunning and Barbel Hauroeder 15 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy in Cell Biology Featuring the Plant Cell Wall and Nuclear Envelope 343 Martin W. Goldberg 16 Low-Voltage Scanning Electron Microscopy in Yeast Cells 363 Masako Osumi 17 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy in Food Research 385 Johan Hazekamp and Marjolein van Ruijven 18 Cryo-FEGSEM in Biology 397 Paul Walther 19 Preparation of Vitrified Cells for TEM by Cryo-FIB Microscopy 415 Yoshiyuki Fukuda, Andrew Leis and Alexander Rigort 20 Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy 439 Rudolph Reimer, Dennis Eggert and Heinrich Hohenberg 21 Correlative Array Tomography 461 Thomas Templier and Richard H.R. Hahnloser 22 The Automatic Tape Collection UltraMicrotome (ATUM) 485 Anwen Bullen 23 SBEM Techniques 495 Christel Genoud 24 FIB-SEM for Biomaterials 517 Lucille A. Giannuzzi 25 New Opportunities for FIB/SEM EDX in Nanomedicine: Cancerogenesis Research 533 Damjana Drobne, Sara Novak, Andreja Erman and Goran Dra ic 26 FIB-SEM Tomography of Biological Samples: Explore the Life in 3D 545 Caroline Kizilyaprak, Damien De Bellis, Willy Blanchard, Jean Daraspe and Bruno M. Humbel 27 Three-Dimensional Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy as a Tool for Structural Biology 567 J.D. Woodward and R.A. Wepf 28 Element Analysis in the FEGSEM: Application and Limitations for Biological Systems 589 Alice Warley and Jeremy N. Skepper 29 Image and Resource Management in Microscopy in the Digital Age 611 Patrick Schwarb, Anwen Bullen, Dean Flanders, Maria Marosvoelgyi, Martyn Winn, Urs Gomez and Roland A. Fleck 30 Part 1: Optimizing the Image Output: Tuning the SEM Parameters for the Best Photographic Results 625 Oliver Meckes and Nicole Ottawa 31 A Synoptic View on Microstructure: Multi-Detector Colour Imaging, nanoflight (R) 659 Stefan Diller


Roland A Fleck








John Wiley


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