A New Foundation of Physical Theories


ISBN: 9783540308324
Author/Editor: Gunther Ludwig

Publisher: Springer

Year: 2006

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SKU: ABD-SPR-309 Category:


(translation) I was interested by the development of a new edition of the book [1] “Die Grundstrukturen einer physikalischen Theorie.” This has been possible, in spite of my old age, thanks to the contributions of Dr. G. Thurler. Without his indefatigable support and his essential and fundamental propositions, this new edition would not have been possible. The new edition clari?es and formulates more precisely the fundamental ideasofphysicaltheoriesinordertoavoidasmuchaspossibleanyambiguities. One begins theoretical physics with concepts that can be explained wi- out theories. Later, one introduces other concepts by theories known as “pre-theories.” Thus it does not make sense to introduce concepts such as “state” without a pre-theory. The ?eld of physics is thus determined by the basic concepts introduced without the use of pre-theories. Also, it does not make sense to speak about the position and speed of an electron at a ?xed time. “Reality” is not however only the reality which is described by physical concep…

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Table of Contents

A New Foundation of Physical Theories.- Reality.- Building of a Mathematical Theory.- From Reality to Mathematics.- Species of Structures and Axiomatic Basis of a PT.- Relations Between Various PTs.- Real and Possible as Physical Concepts.- Examples of Simple Theories.- A Description of the Surface of the Earth, or of a Round Table.- A Simplified Example of Newton's Mechanics.- The Structure of the Human Species.


Gunther Ludwig










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