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Social Science
Showing 61–90 of 99 results
Sale! Networks and Religion
Sale! Numbers in India’s Periphery
Sale! Pakistan a Modern History
Sale! Pentecostalism and Politics of Conversion in India
Sale! Place Matters
Sale! Political Translation
Sale! Properties of Rent
Sale! Protectors of Pluralism
Sale! Puberty in Crisis
Sale! Rabindranath Tagore’s Janmadine On the Birthday
Sale! Reign of Appearances
Sale! Religious Practice and Democracy in India
Sale! Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology
Sale! RTI in India & Other Countries: A Comparative Study
Sale! Rural Politics in India: Political Stratification and Governance in West Bengal
Sale! Smartphones within Psychological Science
Sale! Social Work
Sale! Solidarity in Practice
Sale! South Asia’s Cold War Nuclear Weapons and Conflict in Comparative Perspective
Sale! The British Prime Minister in the Core Executive: Political Leadership in British European Policy
Sale! The Cambridge Handbook of Social Problems 2 Volume Hardback Set
Sale! The Cambridge Handbook of Sociology
Sale! The Civil Sphere in East Asia
Sale! The Crisis of Journalism Reconsidered
Sale! The Explanation of Crime
Sale! The Fiction of Fact-finding: Modi and Godhra
Sale! The Genesis of Rebellion
Sale! The Globalisation of Crime
Sale! The Marx Revival