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Showing 1–30 of 184 results
Sale! A Better Future
Sale! A Short Introduction to Psychoanalysis
Sale! Acculturation
Sale! An Introduction to Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy
Sale! An Introduction to Transactional Analysis
Sale! Applied Social Psychology
Sale! Arguing, Obeying and Defying
Sale! Argumentation
Sale! Becoming a Counsellor: A Student Companion
Sale! Biological Psychology
Sale! Bodies and Other Objects
Sale! Body Positive
Sale! Brief Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention
Sale! Brief Counselling in Schools: Working with Young People from 11 to 18
Sale! Bullying, Cyberbullying and Student Well-Being in Schools
Sale! Case Study Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy
Sale! Categorical Perception
Sale! CBT for Older People An Introduction
Sale! CBT for Personality Disorders
Sale! CBT for Worry and Generalised Anxiety Disorder
Sale! CBT with Children, Young People and Families
Sale! Change for the Better
Sale! Cheating, Corruption, and Concealment
Sale! Child Abuse & Protection: Contemporary Issues in Research, Pollicy & Practice
Sale! Children’s Multilingual Development and Education
Sale! Cognition and Intractability
Sale! Cognitive Behaviour Therapies
Sale! Cognitive Behavioural Counselling in Action
Sale! Cognitive Development : The Learning Brain
Sale! Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory