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Political Science
Showing 241–270 of 388 results
Sale! Power and Global Economic Institutions
Sale! Power and the Vote (South Asia edition)
Sale! Power in Peacekeeping
Sale! Power Sharing and Democracy in Post-Civil War States
Sale! Practice Theory and International Relations
Sale! Pragmatism and the Origins of the Policy Sciences
Sale! Present at the Transition
Sale! Presidential Activism & Veto Power in Central & Eastern Europe
Sale! Protean Power
Sale! Quagmire in Civil War
Sale! Rawls’s Egalitarianism
Sale! Re-Selecting Members of the European Parliament: Candidate Selectiion, Party Goals & Re-Election Probabilities
Sale! Realist Ethics
Sale! Realist Ethics
Sale! Reason and Cause
Sale! Reasoning of State
Sale! Red, Green, and Blue
Sale! Resilient Communities
Sale! Rethinking Conflict at the Margins
Sale! Rethinking Society for the 21st Century
Sale! Reverence, Resistance and Politics of Seeing the Indian National Flag
Sale! Risk and the Rupee in Pakistan’s New Economy
Sale! Rousseau: The Discourses and Other Early Political Writings
Sale! Saffron Republic
Sale! Saving Soldiers or Civilians?
Sale! Science and Technology in Contemporary China: Interrogating Policies and Progress
Sale! Scientific Cosmology and International Orders
Sale! Secular States, Religious Politics
Sale! Segregation by Design