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Political Science
Showing 121–150 of 388 results
Sale! Firms as Political Entities
Sale! Flattery and the History of Political Thought
Sale! Fox Populism
Sale! Fragmented Democracy
Sale! Frenemies
Sale! From Conflict to Coalition
Sale! From Empire to Nation State
Sale! From Hierarchy to Ethnicity
Sale! From Triumph to Crisis
Sale! From Triumph to Crisis
Sale! Garments without Guilt?
Sale! Gender and Elections
Sale! Gender and Work in Global Value Chains : Capturing the Gains?
Sale! Global Capitalism, Global War, Global Crisis
Sale! Global Capitalism, Global War, Global Crisis
Sale! Global Environmental Politics
Sale! Global Governance and Local Peace
Sale! Global Governance and Local Peace
Sale! Global International Society
Sale! Globalizing India (South Asia edition)
Sale! Governance Entrepreneurs
Sale! Hacking the Electorate
Sale! Healthy or Sick?
Sale! Historical Legacies of Communism
Sale! History, Religion and Culture
Sale! Homicidal Ecologies
Sale! Hooked
Sale! House of the People
Sale! Housing and Politics in Urban India
Sale! How Dictatorships Work