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Political Science
Showing 361–388 of 388 results
Sale! Thucydides
Sale! To Govern China
Sale! Tokens of Power
Sale! Tolerance, Secularization and Democratic Politics in South Asia (South Asia edition)
Sale! Trajectories of Neoliberal Transformation
Sale! Trump and Us
Sale! Understanding Institutional Weakness
Sale! Understanding Modern Warfare, 2nd Edition
Sale! Undocumented Nationals
Sale! Varieties of Resilience
Sale! Vengeful Citizens, Violent States
Sale! Vernacular Rights Cultures
Sale! Votes from Seats
Sale! Votes, Drugs, and Violence
Sale! Voting Behavior in Indonesia since Democratization
Sale! Warning about War
Sale! What Went Right
Sale! When Democracies Deliver
Sale! Where the Party Rules
Sale! Who Wants What?
Sale! Why Bother?
Sale! Why Democracy Deepens (South Asia edition)
Sale! Will Brexit Damage our Security & Defence? : The Impact on the UK & EU
Sale! William Penn: Political Writings
Sale! Winning Lebanon
Sale! Women and Social Change in North Africa
Sale! Women, Gender and Religious Nationalism
Sale! World Crisis and Underdevelopment