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Showing 1501–1530 of 6409 results
Sale! Data Architecture: A Primer for the Data Scientist : A Primer for the Data Scientist
Sale! Data Converters ,Phase – Locked Loops ,and Their Applications
Sale! Data Fusion in Wireless Sensor Networks A Statistical Signal Processing Perspective – Control, Robotics and Sensors
Sale! Data Management for Multimedia Retrieval
Sale! Data Mining and Data Warehousing : Principles and Practical Techniques
Sale! Data Science for Transport: A Self-Study Guide with Computer Exercises
Sale! Data Science Thinking: The Next Scientific, Technological Economic Revolution
Sale! Data Structures and Algorithms with Object- Oriented Design Patterns in C++
Sale! Data Warehouse Systems: Design & Implementation
Sale! Data-Driven Computational Methods
Sale! Data-Driven Computational Neuroscience
Sale! Data-Driven Science and Engineering
Sale! Data-Driven Science and Engineering: Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems, and Control
Sale! Data-Intensive Computing
Sale! Deadly Impasse
Sale! Death and Immortality in Ancient Philosophy
Sale! Death of an Industry
Sale! Debating the Woman Question in the French Third Republic, 1870–1920
Sale! Debt Management in India
Sale! Debt, Trust, and Reputation
Sale! Debugging Embedded and Real-Time Systems: The Art, Science, Technology, and Tools of Real-Time System Debugging
Sale! Debunking Arguments in Ethics
Sale! Decadal Survey of Civil Aeronautics: Foundation for the Future
Sale! Decadent Developmentalism
Sale! Deceptive Majority
Sale! Decision Behaviour, Analysis and Support South Asian edition
Sale! Decolonisation and the Pacific
Sale! Deconstructing Developmental Psychology
Sale! Deep Carbon
Sale! Deep Learning