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Showing 6271–6300 of 6409 results
Sale! Vehicle Battery Fires: Why They Happen and How They Happen
Sale! Vehicle Handling Dyanmics : Theory and Application
Sale! Vehicle Propulsion Systems: Introduction to Modeling & Optimization
Sale! Vehicle Refinement Controlling Noise and Vibration in Road Vehicles
Sale! Vengeful Citizens, Violent States
Sale! Venoms to Drugs: Venom as a Source for the Dovelopment of Human Therapeutics
Sale! Vernacular Rights Cultures
Sale! Veteran Poetics
Sale! Vibration Monitoring of Induction Motors
Sale! Vibration of Functionally Graded Beams and Plates
Sale! Vibration of Mechanical Systems
Sale! Vibrational Spectroscopy at Electrified Interfaces
Sale! Vibrations 3/edn
Sale! Victorian Women Writers and the Woman Question
Sale! Video Over Wireless
Sale! Vietnam’s American War
Sale! Vietnam’s Lost Revolution
Sale! Vigilance and Restraint in the Common Law of Judicial Review
Sale! Violence Rewired
Sale! Violence, Kinship and the Early Chinese State
Sale! Violent Minds
Sale! Viral Sovereignty and Technology Transfer
Sale! Virtual & Remote Control Tower: Researc, Design, Development & Validation
Sale! Virtual Synthesis of Nanosystems by Design: From First Principles to Applications
Sale! Virtue and Grace in the Theology of Thomas Aquinas
Sale! Virtue and Meaning
Sale! Viscoelastic Waves in Layered Media
Sale! Viscoelastic Waves in Layered Media
Sale! Visual Thinking: for Design