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Showing 3631–3660 of 6409 results
Sale! Microgravity Two-Phase Flow & Heat Transfer
Sale! Microhydrodynamics, Brownian Motion, and Complex Fluids
Sale! Microlenses : Properties, Fabrication and Liquid Lenses
Sale! Micromagnetism and the Microstructure of Ferromagnetic Solids
Sale! Micromechanics of Composites: Multipole Expansion Approach
Sale! Micromechanisms of Friction & Wear: Introduction to Relativistic Tribology
Sale! Microphysics of Cosmic Plasmas
Sale! Microprocessor Architecture South Asian Edition
Sale! Microscale Acoustofluidics
Sale! Microsensing Networks for Sustainable Cities
Sale! Microstates, Entropy & Quanta: An Introduction to Statistical Mechanics
Sale! Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Diode Frequency Multipliers
Sale! Microwave And Rf Design : A Systems Approach
Sale! Microwave and RF Vacuum Electronic Power Sources
Sale! Microwave and Wireless Measurement Techniques
Sale! Microwave Engineering (Printed Price)
Sale! Microwave-Assisted Polymerization
Sale! Migrant Housing: Architecture, Dwelling, Migration
Sale! Migration and Diaspora in Modern Asia South Asian Edition
Sale! Migration and Refugee Law 3/E
Sale! Military Adaptation in War
Sale! Military History
Sale! Military Justice in the Modern Age
Sale! Milk and Milk Products: Technology, Chemistry and Microbiology
Sale! Millimeter Wave Optical Dielectric Integrated Guides and Circuits
Sale! Mimicking the Extracellular Matrix: The Intersection of Matrix Biology and Biomaterials
Sale! MIMO Wireless Communications
Sale! MIMO Wireless Networks : Channels Techniques & Standards for Multi Antenna Multi User & Multi Cell Systems
Sale! Mindfulness and Performance