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Showing 61–90 of 125 results
Sale! Language, the Singer and the Song
Sale! Lexical Conflict
Sale! Lexical-Functional Grammar
Sale! Linguistics and English Literature
Sale! Linguistics in Pursuit of Justice
Sale! Linguistics, 2nd Edition (South Asia edition)
Sale! Listening to the Past
Sale! Mainland Southeast Asian Languages
Sale! Meaning and Power in the Language of Law
Sale! Metonymy
Sale! Mexican American English
Sale! Morphology and Lexical Semantics
Sale! Nadine Gordimer
Sale! Narratives Online
Sale! Open Source Jihad
Sale! Phonetics
Sale! Phonological Tone
Sale! Pidgin and Creole Languages
Sale! Policy and Planning for Endangered Languages
Sale! Politeness, Impoliteness and Ritual
Sale! Proficiency Predictors in Sequential Bilinguals
Sale! Prosodic Patterns in English Conversation
Sale! Register, Genre, and Style, 2nd ed.
Sale! Relational Adjectives in Romance and English
Sale! Religious Talk Online
Sale! Scalarity in the Verbal Domain
Sale! Second Language Writing
Sale! Sociolinguistic Variation in Children’s Language
Sale! Sociolinguistics