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Electronics & Communication
Showing 271–285 of 285 results
Sale! Up and Running with AutoCAD 2021: 2D and 3D Drawing, Design and Modeling
Sale! Validation of Communications Systems with SDL: The Art of SDL Simulation and Reachability Analysis
Sale! Video Over Wireless
Sale! Virtual & Remote Control Tower: Researc, Design, Development & Validation
Sale! VLSI and Post-CMOS Electronics Design, Modelling and Simulation (Vol – 1)
Sale! VLSI and Post-CMOS Electronics Devices, Circuits and Interconnects (Vol – 2)
Sale! VlSI Technology 2nd/Ed
Sale! Wearable Sensors: Fundamentals, Implementation and Applications
Sale! Wideband Circuit Design
Sale! Wireless AI: Wireless Sensing, Positioning, IoT, and Communications
Sale! Wireless Communication Electronics by Example
Sale! Wireless Communications and Networking for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Sale! Wireless Communications and Networking for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Wireless Interface Technologies for 3D IC and Module Integration