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Showing 1–30 of 160 results
Sale! A Brief History of Economic Thought (South Asia edition)
Sale! A Course on Cooperative Game Theory
Sale! A Course on Cooperative Game Theory
Sale! A First Course in Quantitative Finance
Sale! A Handbook of Primary Commodities in the Global Economy
Sale! A Handbook of Primary Commodities in the Global Economy
Sale! A History of Big Recessions in the Long Twentieth Century
Sale! A Manifesto for Social Progress
Sale! Achieving Person-Centred Health Systems
Sale! Advances in Economics and Econometrics
Sale! Agent-based Models
Sale! Agent-based Models
Sale! An Introduction to Geographical and Urban Economics
Sale! Aquaculture Economics and Financing: Management and Analysis
Sale! Automating Finance
Sale! Big-Time Sports in American Universities
Sale! Biological Extinction
Sale! Bond Pricing and Yield Curve Modeling
Sale! Broadway and Economics: Economic Lessons from Show Tunes
Sale! Central Banks, Democratic States and Financial Power
Sale! Challenges to Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance
Sale! Cognitive Capitalism
Sale! Cognitive Capitalism
Sale! Combating Corruption in India
Sale! Consumer Expectations
Sale! Consumer Expectations
Sale! Contours of Value Capture
Sale! Controlling Credit
Sale! Corporate Finance