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Computer Science
Showing 1–30 of 312 results
Sale! Adjustment Computations Spatial Data Analysis 6 ed
Sale! Adobe Creative Cloud: Design Tools (Printed Price)
Sale! Advanced Data Structures
Sale! Advanced Graphics Programming Using Open GL
Sale! Advanced High Dynamic Range Imaging
Sale! Advanced Research on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures
Sale! Advanced Software Technologies For Post-Peta Scale Computing
Sale! Adversarial Machine Learning
Sale! AI-Powered IoT for COVID-19
Sale! Algorithm Design with Haskell
Sale! Algorithmic Aspects of Machine Learning
Sale! Algorithmic Aspects of Machine Learning
Sale! Algorithms for Next-Generation Sequencing Data:Techniques, Approaches, and Applications
Sale! Algorithms on Strings, Trees, and Sequences
Sale! An Introduction to Parallel Programming
Sale! Android Smartphones fur Dummies
Sale! Anyone Can Code: The Art and Science of Logical Creativity
Sale! Applied Machine Learning
Sale! Arithmetic Optimization Techniques for Hardware and Software Design
Sale! ARM-based Microcontroller Projects Using mbed
Sale! Artificial Intelligence and Conservation
Sale! Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning In 2D/3D Medical Image Processing
Sale! Artificial Intelligence and Social Work
Sale! Artificial Intelligence and Social Work
Sale! Artificial Neural Networks: Concepts and Control Applications
Sale! ASP.NET Data Presentation Controls Essentials: Master the Standard ASP.NET Server Controls for Displaying & Managing Data (Printed Price)
Sale! Attaining High Performance Communications : A Vertical Approach
Sale! Autodesk Smoke Essentials (Printed Price)